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Jesus Christ

In the face of the crucified Christ we see God, we see true omnipotence not the myth of omnipotence. ... In Him, true omnipotence means loving to the extreme of suffering for us.

Pontifical Seminary of Rome
Feast of Our Lady of Trust
12 February 2010

Jesus Christ

Only Christ can fully satisfy the profound longings of every human heart and give answers to its most pressing questions concerning suffering, injustice and evil, concerning death and the life hereafter.

Terreiro do Paço
Lisbon, Portugal
11 May 2010

Jesus Christ

Christ is always with us and always walks with his Church, accompanies her and guards her, as he has told us: “I am with you always, to the close of the age” (Mt 28:20). Never doubt his presence!

Terreiro do Paço
Lisbon, Portugal
11 May 2010

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ, the Incarnate the revelation of the face of God Love to all human beings as they travel along the paths of time towards eternity…This is the heart of the Gospel, the central nucleus of Christianity.

Homily at Vespers
San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro
Pavia, Italy
23 April 2007

Jesus Christ

[The believer] knows that evil is irrational and does not have the last word, and that Christ alone is the Lord of the world and life, the Incarnate Word of God; he knows that Christ loved us to the point of sacrificing himself, dying on the cross for our salvation.

Angelus Address
St Peter's Square
22 June 2008

Jesus Christ

John the Baptist was the precursor, the “voice” sent to announce the incarnate Word. In reality, then, to commemorate his birth means to celebrate Christ, the fulfillment of the promises of all the prophets, among whom the Baptist was the greatest, called to “prepare the way” leading to the Messiah (cf Mt 11:9-10).

Angelus Address
St. Peter's Square
24 June 2007

Jesus Christ

Jesus’ divine Heart therefore calls to our hearts, inviting us to come out of ourselves, to abandon our human certainties, to trust in him, and following his example, to make of ourselves a gift of love without reserve.

Homily, Vespers
Solemnity of The Most Sacred Heart
of Jesus
19 June 2009

Jesus Christ

The Crucified Lord is alive, that he is with us, that he is really Risen and does not forget us, does not abandon you.

Address and Prayer
Tent City of Onna
Abruzzo, Italy
28 April 2009


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