Selected quotes of Pope Benedict XVI offered daily for prayer and reflection….

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Jesus Christ… is the revelation of the face of God’s love to all human beings as they travel along the paths of time towards eternity....This is the heart of the Gospel, the central nucleus of Christianity.

Homily at Vespers
Pavia, Italy
22 April 2007


A distinguishing mark of Christians (is) the fact that they have a future: it is not that they know the details of what awaits them, but they know in general terms that their life will not end in emptiness, Only when the future is certain as a positive reality does it become possible to live the present as well.

Marian Shrine
Mariazell, Austria
8 September, 2007


Christianity is not moralism, but rather a gift of the love of God.

Marian Shrine
Mariazell, Austria
8 September, 2007


The world needs God. We need God. But what God? Jesus, the Son of God incarnate. His 'vengeance' is the Cross: a 'no' to violence and a 'love to the end.' This is the God we need.
We do not fail to show respect for other religions and cultures, profound respect for their faith, when we proclaim clearly and uncompromisingly the God Who counters violence with His own suffering; who in the face of the power of evil exalts his mercy, in order that evil may be limited and overcome. To Him we lift up our prayer, that He may remain with us and help us to be credible witnesses to Himself.

10 September, 2006


Today as in the past, it is not enough to be more or less like everyone else and to think like everyone else. Our lives have a deeper purpose. We need God, the God who has shown us His face and opened His heart to us: Jesus Christ.

Basilica of Mariazell,
8 September 2007


The characteristic of Christian civilization is charity: God's love that is translated into love of others.

Homily; Shrine of Pompeii
Sunday, 19 October, 2008


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