Selected quotes of Pope Benedict XVI offered daily for prayer and reflection….

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Jesus' entire mission in history is an eloquent sign of God's love, his death, in which God's redeeming tenderness is fully expressed, is quite uniquely so. Always, but particularly in this Lenten Season, our meditation must be centered on the Cross. In it, we contemplate the glory of the Lord that shines out in the martyred body of Jesus.

Parish of 'Dio Padre Misericordioso'
26 March 2006


In the impenetrable gloom of death Christ came like light – the night became as bright as day and the darkness became as light.

St Peter's Basilica
Holy Saturday
7 April 2007


‘God is close’, he is near us but we are often distant. Let us draw near, let us move into the presence of his light, let us pray the Lord that through contact with him in prayer we ourselves will become light for others.

St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish
12 December 2010


Christ wants not only to give us sight, but also open our interior vision, so that our faith may become ever deeper and we may recognize him as our only Savior. He illuminates all that is dark in life, and leads men and women to live as "children of the light".

Lenten Message
22 February 2011


Jesus illuminates all that is dark in life and leads men and women to live as “children of the light”.

for Lent 2011


The Divine Child…is the light itself, which begins to radiate, as portrayed in so many paintings of the Nativity. He is the light whose appearance breaks through the gloom, dispels the darkness and enables us to understand the meaning and the value of our own lives and of all history.

Christmas 2008


We should have a longing and a passion to illumine all peoples with the light of Christ that shines on the face of the Church, so that all may be gathered into the one human family, under God's loving fatherhood.

Address for the
83rd World Mission Day


It is Christ who constitutes the full manifestation of God's light. His resurrection defeated the power of the darkness of evil forever. With the Risen Christ, truth and love triumph over deceit and sin. In him, God's light henceforth illumines definitively human life and the course of history.

6 August 2006


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