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The God who came down to me, who was so great as to become my friend and to suffer for me, who died for me; this is the humility we must learn, the humility of God. It follows that we must always see ourselves in the light of God, so as to appreciate how great it is to be loved by Him and, at the same time, to see our own smallness, our poverty, and thus rightly comport ourselves not as masters but as servants.

Lectio Divina
Feast of Our Lady of Trust
Major Roman Seminary
4 March 2011


With great humility and confidence, let us ask the Spirit to enable us each day to grow in the holiness that will make us living stones in the temple which he is even now raising up in the midst of our world. If we are to be true forces of unity, let us be the first to seek inner reconciliation through penance. Let us forgive the wrongs we have suffered and put aside all anger and contention. Let us be the first to demonstrate the humility and purity of heart which are required to approach the splendor of God’s truth.

St Patrick's Cathedral
New York
19 April 2008


Before God we must never present ourselves as if we believe we have done a service and deserve a great reward. This is an illusion that can be born in everyone, even in people who work very hard in the Lord's service, in the Church. Rather, we must be aware that in reality we never do enough for God. We must say, as Jesus' suggests: "we are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty" (Lk 17: 10). This is an attitude of humility that really puts us in our place and permits the Lord to be very generous to us. In fact, in another Gospel passage, he promises people that "he will gird himself and have them sit at table, and he will come and serve them" (cf. Lk 12: 37). Dear friends, if we do God's will today with humility, without claiming anything from him, it will be Jesus himself who serves us, who helps us, who encourages us, who gives us strength and serenity.

Palermo, Italy
October 2010


At every moment of our lives we depend entirely on God, in whom we live and move and have our being. Only he can protect us from harm, only he can guide us through the storms of life, only he can bring us to a safe haven.

Floriana Granaries, Malta
18 April 2010


In every area of our lives we need the help of God’s grace. With him, we can do all things: without him we can do nothing.

Floriana Granaries, Malta
18 April 2010


At first, Peter did not want to let the Lord wash his feet: this reversal of order, that is, that the master - Jesus - should wash feet; that the master should carry out the slave's service, contrasted starkly with his reverential respect for Jesus, with his concept of the relationship between the teacher and the disciple. "You shall never wash my feet", he said to Jesus with his usual impetuosity (Jn 13: 8). His concept of the Messiah involved an image of majesty, of divine grandeur. He had to learn repeatedly that God's greatness is different from our idea of greatness; that it consists precisely in stooping low, in the humility of service, in the radicalism of love even to total self-emptying.

Mass of the Lord's Supper
Holy Thursday
20 March 2008


Christ took the lowest place in the world—the Cross—and by this radical humility he redeemed us and constantly comes to our aid. Those who are in a position to help others will realize that in doing so they themselves receive help; being able to help others is no merit or achievement of their own. This duty is a grace. The more we do for others, the more we understand and can appropriate the words of Christ: “We are useless servants” (Lk 17:10).

Encyclical Letter
Deus Caritas Est


He humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2: 8)
The humility of Jesus is the surmounting of our pride; by his abasement, he lifts us up. Let us allow him to lift us up. Let us strip away our sense of self sufficiency, our false illusions of independence, and learn from him, the One who humbled himself to discover our true greatness by bending low before God and before our downtrodden brothers and sisters.

Way of the Cross
Rome's Colosseum
Good Friday, 2006


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