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Humility |
Taking the Lord's yoke upon us means... learning from him. It means always being ready to go to his school. From him we must learn gentleness and meekness: the humility of God who shows himself in his being a man.
Chrism Mass
St Peter's Basilica
5 April 2007
Humility |
For Christ, to reign is to serve! And what he asks of us is to follow him along the way, to serve, to be attentive to the cry of the poor, the weak, the outcast.
Amitié Stadium
Cotonou, Benin
20 November 2011
Humility |
The Lord Jesus presented himself to the world as a servant, completely stripping himself and lowering himself, to give on the Cross the most eloquent lesson of humility and love. His example gives rise to a proposal of life: ‘He who is greatest among you shall be your servant’ (Mt 23:11).
Angelus Address
St. Peter's Square
30 October 2011
Humility |
God has no pride, because He is absolute fullness, and is completely given to love and the giving of life. In us, on the other hand, pride is deeply rooted and requires constant vigilance and purification. We, who are small, desire to appear great, to be the first, while God does not fear to humble Himself and make Himself the last.
Angelus Address
Castel Gandolfo
23 September 2012
Humility |
We ask Christ to reign in our hearts, making them pure, docile, filled with hope and courageous in humility.
Bicentennial Park
Silao, Guanjuato
25 March 2012
Humility |
If God is irrelevant to public life, then society will be shaped in a godless image. When God is eclipsed, our ability to recognize the natural order, purpose, and the “good” begins to wane. What was ostensibly promoted as human ingenuity soon manifests itself as folly, greed and selfish exploitation. And so we have become more and more aware of our need for humility before the delicate complexity of God’s world.
Welcoming Celebration
Sydney Harbor, Australia
17 July 2008
Humility |
Aware of our weakness, (we) must seek the help of God with humility, relying only on the wealth of his mercy.
General Audience
Castel Gandolfo
1 August 2012
Humility |
The God Who came down to me, Who was so great as to become my friend and to suffer for me, Who died for me: this is the humility we must learn, the humility of God. It follows that we must always see ourselves in the light of God, so as to appreciate how great it is to be loved by Him and, at the same time, to see our own smallness, our poverty, and thus rightly comport ourselves not as masters but as servants.
Lectio Divina
Major Roman Seminary
5 March 2011
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