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Let us fervently beg Mary Most Holy to accompany us on our Lenten journey with her protection, and to help us to impress the words of Jesus Christ in our hearts and in our lives, so as to convert to him.

Angelus Address
St. Peter's Square
26 February 2012


Fasting, which can have various motivations, takes on a profoundly religious significance for the Christian: by rendering our table poorer, we learn to overcome selfishness in order to live in the logic of gift and love; by bearing some form of deprivation – and not just what is in excess – we learn to look away from our "ego", to discover Someone close to us and to recognize God in the face of so many brothers and sisters. For Christians, fasting, far from being depressing, opens us ever more to God and to the needs of others, thus allowing love of God to become also love of our neighbor (cf. Mk 12: 31).

Lenten Message
22 February 2011


During Lent may we discover fresh courage to accept situations of difficulty, affliction and suffering with patience and faith, aware that, from the darkness, the Lord will cause a new day to shine forth. And if we have been faithful to Jesus, following Him on the way of the Cross, the luminous world of God, the world of light, truth and joy, will be ours again.

General Audience
Paul VI Hall
22 February 2012


The time leading up to Easter is a time of 'metanoia', a time of change and penance, a time which identifies our human lives and our entire history as a process of conversion, which begins to move now in order to meet the Lord at the end of time.

General Audience
Paul VI Hall
22 February 2012


The act of eating entails the assumption of the nourishment that keeps us going; hence fasting, giving up all food, in this case acquires a religious significance: it is a way of showing that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.

General Audience
St Peter's Square
1 June 2011


Let us return now in prayer to Mary, recognizing in her the human creation internally transfigured by the grace of Christ, and entrusting to her care our journey with faith and generosity along this itinerary of Lent.

Angelus Address
St Peter's Square
18 February 2008


By faithfully taking the austere Lenten journey, you will be able to become aware of the risks to which your spiritual life is exposed and will be encouraged to fulfill your Christian vocation joyfully.
Mary is beside you, the Woman of Hope who sustains you and guides you with her motherly tenderness during the 40 days that lead us to Easter.

General Audience
Ash Wednesday
21 February 2007


We are setting out on the journey of Lent, which consists in listening to the Word of God, in prayer and penance.

General Audience
Ash Wednesday
21 February 2007


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