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Lent |
On the Mount of Olives, Jesus brings the human will back to the unreserved “yes” to God; in him the natural will is fully integrated in the orientation that the Divine Person gives it.
General Audience
Paul VI Hall
1 February 2012
Lent |
Jesus goes forth into the night. Night signifies lack of communication, a situation where people do not see one another. It is a symbol of incomprehension, of the obscuring of truth, it is the place where evil, which has to hide before the light, can grow. Jesus himself is light and truth, communication, purity and goodness. He enters into the night. Night is ultimately a symbol of death, the definitive loss of fellowship and life. Jesus enters into the night in order to overcome it and to inaugurate the new day of God in the history of humanity.
Mass of the Last Supper
Basilica of St John Lateran
5 April 2012
Lent |
On the Lenten journey we are taking, which is rapidly reaching its end, we are accompanied by the certainty that God never abandons us and that his love is a source of joy and peace; it is a powerful force that impels us on the path of holiness, if necessary even to martyrdom.
Pastoral Visit
Roman Parish of St Felicity
25 March 2007
Lent |
Jesus, with the pilgrim Israel, goes up to Jerusalem, he goes there to celebrate with Israel the Passover...Jesus approaches this feast in the awareness that he himself is the Lamb in which will be accomplished what the Book of Exodus says in this regard: a lamb without blemish, a male, who at sunset, before the eyes of the children of Israel, is sacrificed "as an ordinance for ever" (cf. Ex 12: 5-6, 14).
Palm Sunday of the Passion of Our Lord
St Peters Square
28 March 2010
Lent |
The faithful practice of fasting contributes, moreover, to conferring unity to the whole person, body and soul, helping to avoid sin and grow in intimacy with the Lord.
Message for Lent
Lent |
Faith, which sees the love of God revealed in the pierced heart of Jesus on the Cross, gives rise to love.
Message for Lent
Lent |
In the...Sermon on the Mount, Jesus refers to three fundamental practices required by the Mosaic Law: almsgiving, prayer and fasting. These are also traditional indications on the Lenten journey to respond to the invitation to 'return to God with all your heart.' But he points out that both the quality and the truth of our relationship with God is what qualifies the authenticity of every religious act. For this reason he denounces religious hypocrisy, a behavior that seeks applause and approval.
Ash Wednesday
Vatican Basilica
13 February 2013
Lent |
Holy Saturday is marked by a profound silence. The Churches are bare and no special Liturgies are planned. In this time of waiting and hope, believers are invited to prayer, reflection and conversion, also by means of the sacrament of Reconciliation, in order to take part, intimately renewed, in the celebration of Easter.
In the night of Holy Saturday, during the solemn Easter Vigil, "mother of all vigils", this silence will be broken by the singing of the Alleluia which announces Christ's Resurrection and proclaims the victory of light over darkness, of life over death.
General Audience
St Peter's Square
31 March 2010
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