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Love of Neighbor |
Only divine love makes us open our hearts to others and makes us sensitive to their needs, making us regard everyone as brothers and sisters and inviting us to respond with love to hatred, and with forgiveness to offense.
General Audience
Paul VI Audience Hall
16 September 2009
Love of Neighbor |
As Christians we are called to manifest God’s all-inclusive love. So we should seek out the poor, the vulnerable, the marginalized; we should have a special care for those who are in distress, those suffering from depression or anxiety; we should care for the disabled, and do all we can to promote their dignity and quality of life; we should be attentive to the needs of immigrants and asylum seekers in our midst; we should extend the hand of friendship to members of all faiths and none. That is the noble vocation of love and service that we have all received.
Meeting with the Young People
Great Port of Valletta, Malta
18 April 2010
Love of Neighbor |
Seeing with the eyes of Christ, I can give to others much more than their outward necessities; I can give them the look of love which they crave.
Encyclical Letter
'Deus Caritas Est'
Love of Neighbor |
The more closely the community is united to Christ, the more it cares for its neighbor, eschewing judgment, scorn and scandal, and opening itself to reciprocal acceptance.
Castel Gandolfo, 24 August 2008
Love of Neighbor |
The entire Gospel message is condensed in love, and authentic disciples of Christ are recognised by the mutual love their bear one another and by their acceptance of all.
May the Apostle Paul and especially Mary, the Mother of acceptance and love, obtain this gift for us.
Message for the 95th World Day of Migrants and Refugees,
due to be celebrated on 18 January 2009
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