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Love of Neighbor |
Love of neighbor, which is primarily a commitment to justice, is the touchstone for faith and love of God. James calls it 'the royal law', echoing the words which Jesus used so often: the reign of God, God's kingship. This does not refer to just any kingdom, coming at any time; it means that God must become the force shaping our lives and actions.
Fairgrounds, Neue-Messe
Munich, Germany
10 September 2006
Love of Neighbor |
If the love of God has planted deep roots in a person, then he is able to love even those who do not deserve it, as God does us...We learn from God to seek only what is good and never what is evil. We learn to look at each other not only with our eyes, but with the eyes of God, which is the gaze of Jesus Christ.
Angelus Address
St Peter's Square
4 November 2012
Love of Neighbor |
We should always be prepared, like the Good Samaritan, to be attentive to those we meet, to listen, to be understanding, and to help. In this way we can lead those who are searching for the truth and for meaning in life to God’s house, the Church, where hope and salvation abide (cf. Lk 10:29-37).
Message for 28th WYD
The Vatican
18 October 2012
Love of Neighbor |
Through faith, we can recognize the face of the risen Lord in those who ask for our love.
Apostolic Letter
Love of Neighbor |
Our disinterested attention towards the sick and the forgotten will always be a humble and warm testimony of God’s compassionate regard.
Cathedral of Aosta
24 July 2009
Love of Neighbor |
The more we strive to obtain a common good corresponding to the real needs of our neighbors, the more effectively we love them. (n. 6).
'Caritas in Veritate'
Encyclical Letter on Integral Human Development
in Charity and Truth
Love of Neighbor |
The one God, our Father and Creator, has made us brothers and sisters: to be human is to be a brother and guardian to our neighbor. Along this path, in union with the whole human family, the Church must relive and make present what Jesus was: the Good Samaritan who came from afar, entered our human history, lifted us up and sought to heal us.
Homily at Vespers
Cathedral of Our Lady of Light
Leon, Guanajuato
25 March 2011
Love of Neighbor |
In Sacred Scripture the call to love others is linked to the commandment to love God with all our heart, all our soul and all our strength. In order to give love to others we must draw it from the furnace of divine charity, through long periods of prayer, constant listening to the word of God and a life focused on the mystery of the Eucharist.
Address to Swiss Guard
Vatican City
7 May 2012
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