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The Kingdom of God |
The Kingdom of God is precisely the presence of truth and love, and thus, is healing in the depths of our being.
8 February 2009
The Kingdom of God |
When we pray: 'Thy kingdom come'...we are not asking for something off in the distance, something that, deep down, we may not even want to experience. Rather, we pray that God's will may here and now determine our own will, and that in this way God can reign in the world.
Neue Messe
Munich, Germany
10 September 2006
The Kingdom of God |
The Holy Land has been called a "fifth Gospel" because in it we can see, indeed, tangibly feel the reality of the history that God brought about with men and women; beginning with the places of Abraham's life and including the places of Jesus' life, from the Incarnation to the empty tomb, the sign of his Resurrection. Yes, God entered this land, he acted with us in this world. But here we can say even more: the Holy Land, because of its history, may be considered a microcosm that sums up in itself God's arduous journey with humanity. It is a journey that implies together with sin also the Cross. Yet, with the abundance of divine love there is also always the joy of the Holy Spirit, the Resurrection that has already begun and is a journey through the valleys of our suffering towards the Kingdom of God. A Kingdom that is not of this world, but lives in this world and must penetrate it with his power of justice and peace.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
17 May 2009
The Kingdom of God |
The Kingdom of God not only means that God exists, but also that he is alive and active in the world. He is the most intimate and crucial reality in every act of human life, every moment of history.
Ad Limina Visit
Mexican Bishops
23 September, 2005
The Kingdom of God |
Christ brought a Kingdom which is not of this world, yet a Kingdom which is capable of changing this world, for it has the power to change hearts, to enlighten minds and to strengthen wills. By taking on our flesh, with all its weaknesses, and transfiguring it by the power of his Spirit, Jesus has called us to be witnesses of his victory over sin and death.
Mass at Manger Square
13 May, 2009
The Kingdom of God |
Like the prophets, the apostles and the saints, we too, are called to welcome the coming of Christ's Kingdom by our charity, our service to the poor, and our efforts to be a leaven of reconciliation, forgiveness and peace in the world around us.
Visit to Mount Nebo
9 May 2009
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